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Tag: orgasm

Articles tagged as Orgasm

What Women Want Before, During, and After Sex

Posted on March 13, 2023 by Duane Anaya
Women certainly are a mystery, even to ourselves.That's because we manage our lives through our emotions, unlike men, that are more logic driven.Sometimes she's really into sex along with other times she's pushing you away.What's a guy to do? Here are a few ideas to ensure it is easier.Before sex begins, she must feel loved, appreciated, and respected.Getting started with sincere compliments, perhaps a nice dinner or something similar, and kissing are usually the ideal solution...

How to Have Longer Sex Easily

Posted on February 2, 2022 by Duane Anaya
When it comes to sex, you want it to last quite a long time.The majority of women take a great deal more than men to orgasm from vaginal penetration than men do from sexual intercourse.That is why, if your partner's pleasure is valuable to you, you may wish to have the ability to continue as long as you can.Additionally, women often need to make love many times in a day to maintain their sexual stimulation going and to make it more probable that they'll achieve sexual satisfaction...

Top Erogenous Zones of a Female

Posted on December 9, 2021 by Duane Anaya
If you're floundering in the bedroom and your girlfriend is moaning for all the wrong reasons, these tips will point you in the ideal direction.Gentlemen! If you wish to get your girl moaning for real rather than faking it, you are going to need to put a little bit of work in.Primarily, a man can achieve orgasm within 2 - 3 minutes when stimulated by a different spouse.Where as a lady can take around 15 minutes to orgasm...

Premature Ejaculation Treatment

Posted on July 23, 2021 by Duane Anaya
The reason for premature ejaculation isn't clear and the disease is thought to be mainly a psychological issue.To understand how premature ejaculation can be successfully treated, we will need to present some facts associated with infertility and its mechanics.Deeply involved in mechanism of ejaculation is the paired, striated muscles at the base of the penis called the bulbospongiosus.When the seminal fluid reaches the bulbous urethra, the bulbocavernosus muscle contraction (BCM) compresses the urethra and expelled its contents...