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The Sexual Behaviour In Asian Countries

Posted on February 5, 2023 by Duane Anaya

In Japan acts that regulations and society do not let in fact, such as for example sadomasochism, is allowed in fantasy. Japanese customers pays to sexually `harass' prostitutes dressed as secretaries.

If they have got the yen they may be whipped or whip, shackled or shackle, etc. Japanese comics and cartoons are notorious because of their kinky sex.

Fantasy is

accepted as fantasy and a psychological relief, much less the moral and legal exact carbon copy of genuine, as inside our culture, where in fact the do-gooders want people thrown in jail simply for having illegal desires.

Where the feminist slogan is "Pornography may be the theory, rape the practice." If which were true Japan will be the most sexually violent country on earth rather than the safest.

If the Western ideologies of Christianity and Freud haven't affected Japan much (Though it ought to be noted that Japan is much less permissive now than previously, because of pressure from us oh so enlightened Westerners who think we realize much better than them.), another imported sexually repressive ideology has warped China and Indochina Marxism.

I haven't any direct experience with this, but reports from those countries do indicate that their sex industries

are being resurrected together with the opening up of these economies to capitalism.

However, the governments remain strongly authoritarian and sex for pay is semiunderground but still at the mercy of periodic repression.

Also, it must be noted that a lot of other Parts of asia do repress pornography and several alternative sexualities.

Some of the is because of another Western ideology, Islam. A few of it is because of natural reluctance to undermine the status quo plus some of it really is in a reaction to Western pressure.

I believe the majority of Asian sexual repression isn't Puritanism in exactly the same sense since it methods to us (A puritan is anyone who hates the idea that another person is having a great time.).

At root it really is considered a practical solution to keep men's minds on the duty to aid their wives and children. Sexual acts and desires outside marriage aren't evil or dirty, once we think about them, however they threaten the household and for that reason society.

I believe Asian authoritarian governments from Singapore to Beijing look upon the control of sex in practical, not moral terms as religious fundamentalists in america do.

This raises a fascinating speculation. Perhaps Japan may be the most `liberal' country in Asia in this regard because it is also probably the most prosperous, even through the recession, therefore men can support their own families but still afford to possess girlfriends, boyfriends, etc.

Sexual expression could become officially freer far away as their economies improve and much more Asian men can therefore afford to both support their own families and indulge their outside desires.

Certainly it's no secret that businessmen from other Parts of asia tend to be more active as sex tourists in Thailand and The Philippines than Americans and Europeans except to the Western media and Western do-gooder fascists.

Let me summarize. Asians usually do not think that something so natural as sex is in and of itself `sinful.' Sin is really a foreign concept in their mind.

Sex is regarded as natural and very important, and

therefore sexual behavior should be controlled with regard to social cohesion, to help keep on producing rice and babies. It generally does not really matter who you have sexual intercourse with or how, provided that the social order is maintained.

This does total sexual repression for women, it should be admitted. `Good' girls don't possess sex before marriage or with any man besides their husband after marriage.

Men are granted all of the freedom they are able to afford to discretely escape with.