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Sexual Enhancement Naturally

Posted on August 8, 2022 by Duane Anaya

Some researchers consider one of the significant causes of impotence in men is high or low blood glucose, caused by eating foods high in sugar and empty carbohydrates. A typical fast food diet like a hamburger, fries, and a coke with a candy bar snack doesn't encourage male glands, or help in the creation of sperm - a crucial element in the ability to perform sexually. Regulating blood sugar may help a large proportion of men perform sexually without excessive cost or side effects. In a small proportion of males, anemia might be the issue and can be effectively controlled with supplements and diet.


L-Arginine is an essential amino acid, one of the building blocks of protein in the body. "Essential" refers to how the body can't manufacture arginine from different substances how it does some amino acids. Dietary arginine is the principal source of nitrogen molecules for nitric oxide. Researchers have come to recognize nitric oxide as the chief mediator of penile erection. Additionally, it increases the libido in both women and men. Users have reported achieving a prosexual effect by taking this amino acid 45 minutes prior to sex.

Vitamin B-3 or Niacin causes a massive release of histamine throughout the body, one effect of which is to dilate blood vessels so more blood can flow through them. A relatively large release of histamine occurs naturally during sexual excitation causing a 'sex flush'. The flush due to niacin is fundamentally the same as the natural'sex flush' but is probably more extreme. The niacin-induced histamine release also causes the secretion of mucus in the mouth and mouth organs. Niacin has the capability to improve sensation all around the body.

Muira pauma is one of the best herbs to use for treating erectile dysfunction or lack of libido. Also known as Potency Wood, this shrub is native to Brazil and has long been used as a powerful aphrodisiac and nerve stimulant.

Ginkgo biloba Extract might be extremely valuable in the treatment of erectile dysfunction because of lack of circulation. Studies show positive effects in 50% of cases.

Corynanthe yohimbe is the only FDA approved medication for treating impotence. For centuries the tea brewed from the bark of the tree was used to amplify male virility and sexual prowess. Current medical and scientific literature focuses primarily on using yohimbine's sexual properties as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. This leaves untouched the wide assortment of extreme prosexual effects widely reported by men who have no sexual dysfunction. Recent studies indicate that yohimbine's primary path of activity promotes erection and stimulates sex drive in men. When devoted to sexually healthy men yohimbe creates its most remarkable and consistent prosexual effects with these results: increased libido; enhanced tactile sensation in the genitals and other areas of the body; more, harder, bigger erections; improved stamina; and stronger orgasms and ejaculations.

Damiana or Turnera diffusa leaves have been used in the USA since 1874 as an aphrodisiac and to enhance the sexual ability of the enfeebled and elderly. Although there are no clinical studies to support this claim, damiana usage is quite popular. Damiana is rarely used alone but is found in commercial preparations used to increase sexual sensitivity.

Panax ginseng has been labeled a'sexual rejuvenator'. Ginseng has been shown to promote growth of the testes, improve sperm formation and testosterone levels. It's best used as a fertility and virility aid.

Zinc is possibly the most vital trace mineral for male sexual function. It's involved in virtually every facet of male reproduction. Zinc deficiency is characterized by decreased testosterone levels and sperm counts. Optimal zinc levels must be achieved if optimal male sexual energy is desired.