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Playful, Innocent Phone Sex

Posted on February 19, 2022 by Duane Anaya

So you are sitting there on the telephone, trying to speak with your girlfriend or boyfriend whom you have not seen in a while and you are trying to keep things interesting by talking about the days events, how much you miss each other, etc..

Thus far so good. . .people who know me understand that I approve of anything that's positive. But to tell the truth, this may not be enough. It is human nature to become bored, to allow things become routine, and before you know it the flame begins to fizzle. This is one of the biggest challenges of a long-term relationship. But, we do know of one very beneficial solution to your issues: playful, innocent phone sex.

It is all about the sex, Baby!

People are sexual by nature, and phone sex is a excellent way to express this novelty without being bodily and is especially helpful for couples in long distance relationships. Since you two can't be physical with one another, this is a superb way to connect with one another on an entirely different level. Because its not physial, you are focusing, and hence improving, on the sensuous quality of your relationship and increasing appetite for the physical aspect.

By enjoying suitable phone sex with one another, the two of you will be aware of each other's sexual desires, learn about each other's sexual fantasies, and learn not be shy with your significant other. Not only that, but you will have fun and get some pleasure from the experience. Most of all, your relationship will find a much-needed kick at the back.

So, how do we do this?

Glad you asked. Now, some couples will be prepared to get into it and discover that loving phone sex comes more natural than they believe. But when my girlfriend and I decided to try phone sex, we weren't sure about our comfort level nor what we were doing. Rather than talking dirty over the phone on day 1, we attempted an approach that allows you slowly build up confidence and relaxation. It worked for us, however, if you are BOTH willing, another approach will work just as well for you.

Involved in a long-distance relationship relationship , my girlfriend and I started out by telling each other tales on the internet. We would take turns telling a sexual story about us, in a"I had a dream about"-like style. Online is very convenient because since you are not on the phone, you've got more time to consider something which turns you on and your voice does not sound nervous.

Be creative. Think of real-life circumstances and dreams that would drive you crazy if they came true. This is your opportunity to be both realistic and unrealistic. If you catch yourself tired, write down some ideas for stories or situations that you wish to try with your spouse, and implement them after you get on the internet or on the telephone. Try to feed off of each other's likes and listen to dislikes. Utilize as many details as possible, even the smallest make a difference. Try not to talk about things you would never attempt sexually in person.

Practice on the internet through messaging if you would like, and as soon as you're ready, get on that phone. I really prefer to do it this way. . .some time on the internet, weeks perhaps, then on the telephone, then mix it up. It provides variety and gives you more choices. Once on the phone, you can add voice suggestions, like practicing sexy sounds. Practice these soft pleasing moans [especially if you're a woman ]: couple that with a fantastic story and you can not lose. Its great as both of you may feel turned on by the phone sex.

If at all possible, make the most of webcams, net sounds, and unite them with mobiles. You'll find that as time continues, your inhibitions are thrown into the wind. . .go with it! Keep it moving and turn up the heat in your connection. For you men out there, it beats pornography, and women, you could get more turned on by your long-distance boyfriend your friends are by their community boy toys. You don't need to worry about doing (physically) sexually and the only thing holding you back is your own creativity. So what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone.